Three Supplements That Everyone in St. Petersburg FL Should Have

Three Supplements That Everyone in St. Petersburg FL Should Have

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Hey guys, Dr. Christopher Hood here from Hood Chiropractic.

A lot of my patients are always asking me "Doc, what do you do? What are your supplements? What do you recommend?" First off, hear my heart when I say I recommend eating good quality food before we even talk about supplements in St. Petersburg FL. Eating the right type of food is something we should all be investing your time and our money into cause it's cheaper to eat food, it's better for you, it absorbs better than supplements.

That being said, there are three supplements, THREE! That I recommend for all of my patients and if you're not a patient, theses supplements will still be very beneficial for your overall health and well being.

So What Are these Supplements in St. Petersburg FL?

The first one is a good B Complex vitamin. B Complex vitamins are what I like to call the Standard American Diet, the artificial colors, the artificial flavors, the preservatives, the pesticides, the sugars, the artificial sugars, they all rob the body of B Complex vitamins. B vitamins are responsible for immune system functions, they're responsible for your brain and body activity, they're responsible for different types of energy levels. Your body uses the B vitamin as catalysts for different chemical reactions so when I'm talking to patients and I realize their fatigue and they're drained a lot and they have all these issues, I recommend a good B Complex vitamin. B Complex vitamins are a staple for my nutrition component and I actually take a lot of these. You can't overdose on B vitamins, they're water soluble, so make sure you take a good B Complex vitamin and do that every day. The B Complex vitamin we have, this B Complex itself has close to 300 mg in a dose. 300 mg twice a day would be a great recommendation.

The second thing I always recommend patients because of the same thing, the diet we eat, the Standard American Diet, is a good probiotic. A lot of people will talk about probiotics and the reason they want to use them is because they think they don't need to use a probiotic because they're eating yogurt. The dairy in yogurt is actually counterproductive. Not that you don't get a good probiotic out of yogurt but to really replenish the flora by biota you need a stronger product. The one I recommend I recommend is by a company called Strengtia. It has 30 billion cfu of the different mixes, so when you're looking at probiotics, understand you want a good complicated probiotic. With three main biotas. So, Strengtia is a great product. I would take this once a day. Again 30 billion is what your coliform count wants to look like.

Why probiotics? The food supply that we have, particularly the meat supply in our country is pumped full of antibiotics. To keep the cattle and chicken healthy they actually pump antibiotics and steroids into the meat. So even though the meat is cooked and prepared, you're still getting antibiotics in your food supply. When you take a steady stream of antibiotics, it kills both good and bad bacteria in your system.

There's some good, healthy bacteria in your digestive track that needs to be there for proper digestion. When you look at all the patients we have and all the people we have in our society that have digestive issues, irritable bowel, crones, colon problems, a lot of it is because of the antibiotics we're taking, and in our food, let me talk about taking them. If you've taken antibiotics over your lifetime, note that antibiotics are killing not just the bad bacteria your infected with, that's a brilliant thing, right? Medicines a brilliant thing. It's also killing the good bacteria in your system as well. So, if you've been on a lot of antibiotics you'll see people get things like thrush and yeast infections and it's because the good bacteria have been killed by the antibiotic as well, not just the ones that made you sick. So, good probiotic again, very very healthy for your system at least once a day.

And the last supplement I recommend on a basic level is a good vitamin D supplement,. Now, vitamin D itself is a fat-soluble vitamin. So, fat-soluble vitamins can become toxic if taken in high levels.  This product that we have has far as vitamin D is concerned has about 5000 iu. They measure vitamin D just like vitamin E, in ius, not mg. you want about 5000 iu a day in your system. Vitamin D is responsible for everything from skin health which is an immune system, immune system health, energy levels as well as just general well-being. So, vitamin D is robbed by the same Standard American Diet as well.

So, that's my recommendation and initial supplementation. Not just for my patients, but for everyone. Again, a good B Complex vitamin, a good probiotic and a good D vitamin supplementation. 5000 iu for vitamin D. 30 billion cfu for probiotic and 300 mg twice a day for the Complex B as well. You can take most of the B if you're getting sick. It can help your immune system and again it's not going to create a toxic amount. Cause B vitamins are water soluble.

If you like this information on basic nutrition supplementation. Make sure you like us on Facebook, make sure to follow us on Twitter or Instagram it is a pleasure to serve you guys with some life changing information. If you have any information of need help on a local level. Go to

I hope this give you great information, great content. Love and appreciate you guys and we'll talk again soon.

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3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Hood Chiropractic

5990 54th Ave N
St. Petersburg, FL 33709

(727) 544-9000